CBTG has been providing superior Business-to-Business IT Support Brooklyn CT for our clients since 2010.  We have assembled a team of highly-experienced professionals with diverse technical skill sets, all whom are excited to apply their knowledge and energy to supporting our large and growing customer base.   With a steady focus on secure, stable corporate networks built on and maintained by best practice compliance, CBTG is a true one-stop shop with the ability to architect, sell, install and support companies and projects of all sizes. 


Small & Medium Businesses, (SMB’s) in Brooklyn CT, today face many of the same challenges of larger corporations: a growing dependence on technology, a mobile workforce, shrinking budgets, and higher visibility competition. It is increasingly important in this climate to find ways to maintain a competitive edge, while seeking the highest return on each investment your business makes.

Historically, small businesses were limited to using home office networking equipment or deploying expensive business-class devices that were far beyond the scope of their needs. The good news is that over the last few years there have been extensive advancements in the SMB platform offerings. The market leading hardware vendors have been busy developing new product lines, with enterprise level feature sets, with pricing that make them cost effective for SMB’s.

CB Technology Group LLC has the unique distinction of following this trickle-down trend of enterprise technology to the SMB market, bringing our corporate experience and knowledge base with us as we offer these services and solutions to an expanding customer base. The business advantages that are possible with current technology are now available to companies of all sizes and budgets.

CBTG will take the time to work with your business and recommend products and services that will show you the most return on your investment. All of our pre-sales consulting is free of charge and obligation. We can teach you about current best practices, new products and services that will differentiate you from your competitors, as well as make your company more productive and secure. Whether your consulting needs are of a project basis, or if your company would benefit from an all-encompassing service contract, we have the skills and resources to fulfill business goals.

You have no doubt by now heard of some of the advances in our industry (The Cloud, Voice over IP, Virtualization) but you may not know what they mean. What are they? How can they benefit your business? How much do they cost? Who do you ask? You can ask us. CBTG will come on-site to teach you the fundamentals of the proposed technology and answer all of your questions, obligation-free and sales-pressure free. It is our mission to help our clients make highly informed decisions when it comes to the technology direction of their company.



The Connecticut Business Technology Group is a privately owned and operated Network Consulting Brooklyn CT and Managed Services Provider Brooklyn CT. We support customers of all sizes and across all sectors, with a focus on mid-size clients in the 50 to 500 employee range. We maintain current knowledge of our industry and best practices, as well as security compliance and regulations that can affect your bottom line. With corporate offices in both Middlesex and Fairfield counties, CBTG is never far away from providing you the onsite service you may require. And with our remote capabilities and cloud offerings, we are currently supporting customer locations in about one-third of the States in the US as well as a handful of countries, provinces, and territories across the world.